Frequently aSKed questions

Do products come with a guarantee?

Yes, all products come with a ten year guarantee and timber products come with a five year manufacturers warranty.  

Do you install?

We do not install the products however we do have reccommended installers should you require them.

How do i measure?

We reccomend that measurements are taken by the professionals installing the goods but assistance can be provided if necessary. 

what are your payment options?

We require a 50% deposit when ordering the goods and the remaining balance is due upon the delivery of the goods.
The payment terms will differ if you are an MKM Account Holder (details on your account will specify your payment terms).

How do I place a quote and how long will it take?

Contact us to request a quote form, we aim to have standard quotes back to you within 3 days and larger quotes will take aproximately 1 week.

How Do I Order and When can I Expect Delivery?

Contact us to go ahead with your quote or request an order form to complete. Once your order has been confirmed, delivery will take aproximately 6-8 weeks.